viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2017

Post 8 - A Subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

This semester I have been fascinated with a natural disasters related class and psychosocial interventions on this natural disasters.

The class is really interesting, we review different disasters that have occurred in our country (like earthquake of 2010) and the around the world (like tsunami in Thailand), and we discuss the interventions that have been made in this situations. For example, we talked about the Chaitén volcano and how the people returned to their homes.

We have also investigated about different disasters and give our personal opinion on this. I researched about how older adults lives natural disasters. It was very interesting and entertaining information. The objective of the class is teaching us how to act in crisis situations, which it’s quite relevant considering the current Chilean context and the accelerated world in we live.

After the readings and the classes, I really liked this class. I would like to work on similar interventions in the near future

lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2017

Post 7 - An Expert on my field

There are a lot of people that I admire: musicians, artists, academics, etc. But there is an expert on the psychology field who I really like, He is Lev Vygotsky 

Vygotsky was born in 1896 and died in 1934. He was an important Soviet developmental psychologist, because he proposed a theory of the development of "higher psychological functions", and also he introduces the notion of the zone of proximal development, which is the difference what a child can do without help and what he cannot do. This concept is able of describing the potential of human cognitive development. 

His work include books as "Tool and symbol in child development", "Thinking and Speech", "Educational Psychology", and my favorite: "Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes"

I really like him because in my opinion he are important for the developmental psychologist and the educational work; and actually Vygotsky’s works is used in a lot of educational establishment where his method helps to promote the personal Childs development.